Put Pep in Your Step: Exploring the Benefits of Brisk Walking
We all know humans can walk but have you ever heard about brisk walking and got fascinated by this term and thought what does brisk walking mean? A brisk walk is not a kind of walk leisurely done or a stroll. It is a faster pace walk than regular walking and one of the easiest and best cardio workouts for adults and old people.

The term may seem foreign to you but this activity isn’t. If you are someone who hates to even look at the gym, all you need to do is jump in your favorite sports shoes free from any equipment and just walk. Essentially, it's about putting some pep in your step and moving at a brisk speed. Scientifically, it has been proven to have beneficial effects on health. In this article, you can learn more about this walk, its benefits backed by proven studies and facts, and incorporate it into your workout routine to keep yourself fit and healthy.
Let’s explore the benefits of brisk walking:
Calorie Burn: This 30-minute aerobic activity can burn calories almost equivalent to a good jog or run. You can burn 150-200 calories approximately in half an hour, based on factors such as weight, intensity, and surface.
Weight Loss: Regular brisk walking can help to shed some pound or kilos and maintain a healthy weight and improves metabolism.
Heart Health: It reduces the chances of heart disease by improving blood circulation in the body, lowering blood pressure, and strengthening the heart. A study suggests that walking is a suitable and accessible activity with cardiovascular benefits. Walking programs using technology can increase activity levels, while neighborhood and workplace amenities support walking behavior. Clinicians can prescribe walking to assist patients in meeting activity guidelines and offer support information.
Mental Energizer: As soon as a brisk walk begins; it stimulates the release of happy hormones in the body called endorphins that help to fight stress, and anxiety, improve the mood and regulate the sleep cycle.
Easy-to-Adapt: This activity can be performed on a treadmill, in a park, or around the neighborhood. Just take a stroll around but at a faster pace.
Longevity: Regular brisk walking can add years to your life because of its numerous health benefits.
Enhanced stride: According to a study it is said that a person can cover 100 steps per minute and a brisk walk can help you do that. This can also help you reach your daily count. This study shows Low daily cadences; healthy adults had peak cadences >100 steps/min (1 min) and >70 steps/min (30 min). Age and body mass index impacted peak cadence.
In conclusion, brisk walking is a simple and powerful cardio exercise to integrate into your routine that can help you get in shape just by being consistent and promoting mental well-being. It gives you manifold benefits such as weight management, improved mood, better sleep quality and so much more just through walking and that is amazing. By doing so, you can protect yourself from a ton of diseases and be fit and healthy. Moreover, it not only enhances life expectancy but also enhances stride and aids in achieving daily step counts. Now lace up, get in your shoes, and go for that walk on a treadmill or in your neighborhood to get the perfect summer body throughout the year. Let each step be your commitment to a healthier you.
Disclaimer: This is general information only, not medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting any suggestions. this information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis, fitness regime, and treatment. Chaabhi .com expressly disclaims responsibility and shall have no liability for any damage loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained on this site. Always consult a doctor, dietician or fitness/yoga expert for more information as individual people can have different allergies and medical conditions which can cause issues if exercise is done in excess or wrong posture.